Some Bits And Bobs

Pretty good eh?

You can also scroll with the tip of your nose


Our emotional connection getting stronger with every scroll
Bastiaan Tuiteman

Bastiaan Tuiteman

Signage & Print

Peter Lissens

Peter Lissens

Senior Creative & Copywriter

Tuyet Nga Bui Thi

Tuyet Nga Bui Thi

Digital Marketing | Google Certified | Hubspot

Gio Kiknadze

Gio Kiknadze

UX & WordPress Specialist

Rien Verhaeven

Rien Verhaeven

IT Services

Klaas De Loose

Klaas De Loose

(Motion) Graphics, Photography & Illustration

Rob Gysels

Rob Gysels

Graphics & Signage

Hong Loan Bui Thi

Hong Loan Bui Thi

Print Media & Styleguide

Are you expecting a secret voucher or something?

Perhaps if you scroll for long enough… There isn’t. I’m sorry. Or is there? There really isn’t. I already told you. I’ve got some additional skills I’m working on by the way. Continuous improvement I say. Might not be the absolute best in these, but making progress!

Video Editing
Saying “No”